Who's Really Funky? Really Roots!

Who is REALLY ROOTS? Birth-child of YUKO OGAWA: designer, owner and creator of the funky crochet line of Hats & Accessories. Yuko and I met a few years ago when I was organizing indie designer showcases in Brooklyn. This woman is not only talented but earthy and kind with the shinning soul of an artist. It was always awesome to have Yuko on-board with a project. Still shinning, still creating, this international stylista has no intention of stopping nor should she. Unique, beautiful, flawless, romantic are just a few words to describe her designs and I, always curious about the history and work process of other creatives, got miss lady to share a few things with me about how she do what she do.

When did you start your crochet creations?

I started it in 1999 after my trip from Jamaica. I was 21 years old.

Who taught you?

My older sister and I read many books on the art of crochet and examined many hats ( by taking them apart).

How long you have been in America?

I have been in New York for 4 years and love it.

Why do you love it?

New York became a special place for me. The city gives me energy and inspiration for designing my hats. I have lived in Brooklyn since I moved to NY and I feel like this is my second hometown.

Do you like to work, create, in any special settings?

I usually work at home playing my favorite music (especially Reggae), and sometimes I crochet a hat when I am taking the subway.

I would love to have my own work space in the future !!!

(Something tells me she'll get it *wink*)

Find Yuko here...